The Stone House was constructed circa 1780. The slate roof has been maintained as well as the stonework. Eighty Percent of the house has 12 to 14 inch wide, yellow plank pine floors. The house has been for the most part restored, although not registered as historic. There are 4 large fireplaces with 2 of them in regular use. The open and fenced farmland has not been used for other purposes or for dairy farming in recent years. The original barn is long gone with the silo still standing. The total property consists of 5-Lots, totaling some +/- 131 acres. Most of the acreage is leased to farmers. The house is situated on a single acre lot.The farm is farmland-preserved and assessed accordingly. There is a section of the open fields that are noted as in a flood zone although normally dry and used for grazing. There is a utility easement that is continuously used as part of the grazing area without any physical separation or physical barriers.